5 Tips for Pitching Yourself with Confidence

As Realtors®, we have to assume a growth mindset and seize every opportunity to sell ourselves—in flush times and lean times. But the problem is, most of us don’t sell ourselves because we don’t have the right words at the right time, we stumble over our words, or we fear how our words will be received.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem. I’m talking about perfecting and practicing your elevator pitch and starting every conversation with confidence. Here are 5 Tips to help you get started!

Elevator Pitch 101

#1 Keep it brief 

An elevator pitch is an introduction you offer when someone asks: “What do you do for a living?” This should be brief and anywhere between 15 seconds to 1 minute (depending on the situation). Use your time wisely!

#2 For 15 second pitches

Your first interaction should be friendly but intentional. Rather than overwhelming them with your resume, keep it simple and build from there. A 15 second introduction should include:

  • Your name and position
  • Your unique service
  • How their life would change while working with you.

When you tie them all together, it could look like this:

Hi, I’m Kayce and I’m a real estate agent at Inhabit Realty. I help single moms build a secure future by becoming homeowners. I coach them on how to get their finances in order, approach house hunting in a tight market, and prioritize essentials so they’re confident about their buying decision.

#3 For 30 second pitches

Your 30 second pitch should build off your 15 second pitch. At this time, share your stories and qualifications to provide credibility. Below is an example of how that may look:

Handing the keys to someone who never thought she could afford a home of her own is a thrilling experience, and it’s never gotten old, even after 20 years in real estate.

#4 For 60 second pitches

At this point, you can gauge your potential prospects interest and learn their challenges. That's a great gateway to show how your services can help find a solution. At this stage, close the deal and offer a follow up conversation. See below for an example: 

I work with buyers with little, no, or challenged credit history and offer a variety of solutions to help them become financially prepared to buy a home. And I’d be happy to schedule a meeting and find the solution that’s right for you.

#5 Practice!

Depending on how much time you have, practice your pitch in increments of 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 1 minute. The more practice you have, the more natural it’ll be to adjust to any conversations.