A Lot Can Happen in a Year 🥂

If you're like me, a lot did happen in 2017. New moments, new adventures, new memories, new challenges, and new opportunities.

I want to get real with you about our most significant challenges and opportunities here at ATRE. Because we wouldn't be here without you. And I want to share what I've learned about this business that you are such an integral part of, because it may be helpful to you as you reflect on your real estate practice and plan for 2018.

Our two biggest challenges

Adapting quickly to the sudden growth

We couldn't act like a new company; we had to behave as if we'd been in business for years to be sure we had happy customers, it's a mental thing for both us and our customer. Our customers have the potential to be, and are, customers for life—as long as we treat them well. As in above and beyond. Just like you treat your buyers or sellers because you want them to come back to you in the years to come.

You gotta spend money to make money

Completely accurate for us. Even though we hit over a MILLION dollars in sales, we SPENT A MILLION DOLLARS!! How'd we do that?! So crazy. But even with ATRE being a new company, it was also a new business and concept for everyone else; we had to stay on top of it and give the people what they wanted: good products, good design, good choices, and good customer service. Oh, and they want it yesterday even though they live in Florida! 😂 But as much as we tease about that, this is exactly the kind of excitement we want people to have for All Things Real Estate products!

Our two biggest opportunities

Attending the national conference in Chicago

We had our first booth at the National Association of Realtors® Expo this year and had a blast! We didn't know what to expect, and even though I've been a Realtor for 12 years, I had never been to a national conference! Well, let me tell you, I've been missing out. It was unreal. Met SO MANY amazing people, from all over the US and beyond. Everyone we spoke with said they loved all the classes and some said they'd been going for years and it never gets old. We got to see and meet our customers, met some big wigs in the industry and introduced our products to our soon-to-be customers. We'll be doing the National Expo in the years to come, and it will be fun to see how our booth grows year to year. #Boston2018 see you there!

Getting more people involved with ATRE

We've been bouncing around the franchise idea and have decided to hold off and go the sales rep route, instead. We think there's more opportunity—not only for ATRE but also for all the people who want to be part of what we're doing. We get at least one or two emails DAILY from people asking how they can get in on the action. And the way we see it, the more, the merrier! So I envision us at NAR one year soon where all the sales reps come together for a class...jk, a PARTY!! #2019

Thank you

We definitely wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I started this company so real estate professionals like you can have modern marketing products that make you look good, but also to establish common ground in and create a positive message about our real estate community.

What you can expect in 2018

I'm committed to providing you with an exceptional experience with our products, customer service, and our community. I am determined that you will be so happy that you'll tell your friends about ATRE. 

One big change ahead is that all our new products, promotions, sneak peeks, and more will happen in our email newsletter. So sign up if you haven't already. And we promise you will be delighted by what we send you. 

In next week's email, we're sending out a survey so you can tell us what you'd like your ATRE experience to be like in 2018. And we can't wait to hear from you!

Here's to growing to 2 million in sales?! Or more?! 

Thanks again for being so amazing.

Happy New Year!
Tracey & the ATRE team