Getting Your Real Estate Life Together: Q&A with Sandra Paul

Name, Location and how long have you been an Agent

Sandra Paul, Houston Texas, and I've been a Realtor for 3.5 Years.

How would you describe your brand?

My brand is authentic and creative. I like to keep it informative and to the point!

How do you differentiate yourself?

Being a Houston Native that was born in the suburbs but raised in the city has a huge impact on my market knowledge. It has helped me match my clients with a neighborhood that fits their wants and needs. However, as much as I I love engaging with people about about Real Estate, I genuinely enjoy talking about local businesses, the culture, and of course...the FOOD! 

What marketing method is most effective for you and why?

Social Media- specifically, Video Marketing- It has been a GAME-CHANGER this past year! I feel more connected with my followers when I shoot a video where they can actually see me or hear my voice.

What marketing method is least effective for you and why?

Sending Mailers- because majority of people have phones with an email connected, for things that would have been a "Mailer". So unless it's a personal handwritten letter... I believe a traditional mailer would be the least effective in this day and age.

What are your three favorite ways to start a conversation?

1- How are you doing today? 2- Give a compliment 3- To listen and relate in some way (outside of Real Estate)

How are you elevating the look and feel of your business?

I am always discovering and trying new techniques to vibe with my audience. Whether it be with my clients, my followers, or my sphere the goal has always been to keep an authentic, informative, and friendly approach.

What's one piece of advice you would give a new agent?

Pick your mentor, study their habits, offer to help them (so you can get your feet wet), and of course have them hold you accountable!

Connect with Sandra!


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