EPISODE THIRTEEN : Getting Your Real Estate Life Together with Breylan Deal-Eriksen

In Lucky episode #13 with Breylan Deal-Eriksen, a residential and principal real estate broker with Windemere Realty Trust.  Breylan has a passion for the community of his clients. In this episode, he tells us about how this shared value brought him to buy into a realty partnership with fellow Windemere broker, Cathy McNaughton.

We learn about how this partnership not only helps their businesses collectively but also how it feeds back with community events, gifts and resource sharing for their client community, far after the initial sale is over. 


00: Getting to know Breylan

02:46 How he began working with Cathy McNaughton, eventually buying into a Realty Partnership with her

6:13 Working with administrative assistants and benefits of load split: different kinds of year cycles 

8:15 What he does consistently in marketing social media through “know like and trust" with a focus on positive and funny social media that showcases the personal of what they do

11:45 Their  blog and personal gifts and events that support back to the community

13:00 How they organize collaborations for gifts and parties and how to leverage this 

15:40 Referral based businesses and how you can inspire referrals without directly asking with events

18:20 Breylan’s Pumpkin Patch and how they are making adjustments with their annual events during Covid

19:41  How his accountability group with Cathy keeps them motivated and moving and how they split work

24:00 Benefits they give to their shared clients as a positive of their combined partnership - staying in touch with the person who sold your house will help you as issues come up

27:55 Keeping consistency in marketing and the attention to detail to keep people inspired to see homes

 30:02 Returning to Open Houses during Covid and procedure

32:00 The market of people who are buying as more people can telecommute and inventory challenges 

33:13 The future of foreclosures or sales of necessity coming to market with recession and fires. Keeping up with and supporting clients who’ve gone through hard times as a community member

37:00 Bringing everything back to the positive as a supportive part of communities as Real Estate Agents

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